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Like in Many Other Areas of Life, There Are Constantly New Health Trends in Nutrition. Whether it’s superfoods, vegan dishes, or healthy convenience food, a balanced, varied, and mindful diet is actually one of the most effective ways to boost your health and enhance your well-being. What we can reveal right now: Healthy eating doesn’t have to be bland—and it can change your life in the long run.

The Right Nutrient Mix: A Recipe for Longevity?

In Sardinia, there are 38.6 people over the age of 100 for every 100,000 inhabitants. How can that be? Researchers attribute this, among other factors, to the local diet—a traditional mix of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Simple, yet effective: This forms the basis of a healthy diet. All the essential nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, plus vitamins and minerals) should be included in sufficient quantities. For the body to function optimally and for health to benefit in the long term, there is another crucial factor that concerns more than just fans of Mediterranean cuisine. Following the motto: The way to the heart is through the stomach—but health is through the gut.

Healthy, Healthier: Plants for Gut Flora

It’s no longer a secret that the gut and well-being are closely linked. A vital and balanced microbiome in the gut (the totality of bacteria and microorganisms in the intestines) is crucial for preventing diseases like type 2 diabetes through thorough nutrient absorption. Especially beneficial for the body are the prebiotics found in plants (including fiber and other carbohydrates) and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols. “30 a week” is a simple rule that has appeared in many nutrition guides and is based on a large-scale study. This means consuming 30 different plant-based foods per week in the form of fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, grains, seeds, or nuts. Even those who are skeptical of nutrition trends can benefit: Every one of the mentioned ingredients counts—and the 30 is easily and almost effortlessly achieved. While a fresh salad is delicious and healthy, there’s no need to stop there. Healthy mueslis, soups, or a tasty ratatouille are just a few of the many options. Even some chocolates and coffee can be included. A positive side effect: Allowing room for enjoyment (in moderation) makes it easier to stay within a healthy framework. Of course, individual factors also play a role in a health-promoting diet. These include age and gender, height and weight, muscle and fat composition, the regularity of physical activity, and current health status, including any allergies and intolerances.

Healthy Nutrition: A Key Component of Our Wellbeing Programs

Healthy nutrition is also a core part of the holistic Hotel & Stay Well concept at THE FLAG Costa del Sol. Depending on the chosen program, we offer individually tailored nutritional planning with regional, seasonal, and fresh products. The Detox Program “Stay Pure” includes a juice cleanse that supports not only detoxification but also letting go of negative thought patterns—thus contributing to overall well-being. The Weight Management Program “Stay Balanced” features a calorie-reduced yet delicious diet. And the Personal Fit Program “Stay Strong” provides three wholesome meals that deliver fresh energy to help you achieve your individual fitness goals. Nutritional questions or special requests can also be addressed directly to the head chef of our SEVEN M. restaurant, David Aguado. Learn more about wellbeing and longevity at THE FLAG Costa del Sol here. Further details about nutrition in the respective programs can also be found on the corresponding pages.